Blitzing the Design Lines

Example of Color:

This pride flag in my friend’s apartment shows a beautiful example of color and how well you can pair certain colors together to allow them to be vivid and bold.

Example of Symbols:

When I went to downtown Fredericksburg I realized that we see something symbolic every day that we never take pictures of- stop signs! These literally solely exist as a symbol to tell someone what to do… that’s it!

Example of Use of Space:


You can see the use of space with this photo of the vase w/ Flowers in it because it shows you the whole vase as well as the beautiful arrangement and only VERY minimally what is off to the sides. It allows for the flowers to be the focal point but not all that you see- allowing your eyes to see it more naturally.

Example of Balance:

While there is a lot going on in this picture- there really isn’t a whole lot happening at all! While I was home for the weekend we got a tiny bit of snow and I just absolutely loved how balanced everything in this was. It’s so peaceful- yet chaotic all at once. There is a fallen tree, things being blown around, crazy winds, etc- but this picture makes it seem like all is silent and the world is soft and drowsy.